VR Viewer
An integrated VR Viewer for Cinema 4D. Works on windows using an HTC Vive. Exports all geometry and textures directly to a custom OpenGL viewer with a single click.
Windows Only
Available for R20, R21, S22, R23, S24, R25, S26 and 2023.
Full documentation can be found here.

Create a Figure object in your scene to represent where you will be when you run the viewer
Scale the Figure to be your height then place it somewhere in your scene for your starting position.
Now select VR Viewer from the Plugins 4D menu.
A dialog will appear to start the viewer. Press "Start" to launch the viewer.
It will automatically launch the Steam VR system and connect to your HTC Vive.
Put on your HTC Vive and explore your world.

Exports all Polygonal and Procedural Objects.
Supports MoGraph and Cloned objects.
Samples all the textures on the materials.
Place yourself in the scene using a Figure object to set your location and height.
Supports multiple colored lights.
Supports animation of objects and lights. If you press play in C4D then all the objects will be moving in VR.
Supports Vertex Maps named "BakeAO" for Ambient Occlusion.
Use first controller to pick up and examine objects.
Use second controller to teleport around your scene.

Ambient Occlusion
If your object has a vertex map called "BakeAO" then it will use this for shading in the VR Viewer.